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Trade & Transportation - Provincial Policy

Transportation systems are intrinsically linked to economic development is a self-evident truth. However, there is a growing trend in the transportation planning literature, and in the developed plans of both national and provincial organizations, to consider best-practice for this discipline in terms of multimodal transportation planning.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Municipal Affairs - Provincial Policy

Pressure on affordable housing across Alberta and Canada is growing. It is neither feasible nor sustainable for governments to address the issue on their own. P3 (Public-Private Partnership) models show the greatest potential to address the magnitude of the issue while creating a sustainable program. More affordable housing units can be rapidly brought on stream by activating the private development sector to meet demand.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Transportation - Provincial Policy

Given the importance of the trucking industry to Alberta’s economy, the current shortage of drivers needs to be addressed as soon as possible. While the incentives available are helping to drive new students into the Mandatory Entry-Level Training (MELT) program, the number of motor vehicle accidents seen including commercial vehicles has caused an increase in insurance premiums for new Class 1 drivers...

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Trade & Transportation - Provincial Policy

Twinning construction of the remaining (approx.) 170 kilometers of Alberta Highway 3 known as Crowsnest Pass Highway, has been a concern for nearly two decades due not only to safety and efficiency concerns, but also concerns related to the stagnation of economic benefits and market access along this corridor. The main benefits that accrue from twinning Highway 3 include safety improvements, time savings for commercial and recreational travel, increased social and economic activities, tourism, and agricultural needs.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Municipal Affairs - Provincial Policy

Municipalities are now required to operate and maintain utility infrastructure on any private property which provides service to more than one parcel within a development versus entering into joint use agreements with developers.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Finance & Taxation - Provincial Policy

Alberta and Quebec are the only two remaining jurisdictions in Canada that have not consolidated their corporate income tax administration with the federal government. The duplication of filing requirements imposes an additional tax compliance burden through two returns and creates unnecessary compliance risks for Alberta businesses. From a tax compliance perspective, this continued duplication of functions, including reporting, auditing and returns, is a source of frustration and red tape.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Agriculture - Provincial + Federal Policy

A thriving pharmaceutical industry is growing poppies for medicinal use in the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia, but not in Canada. This not only presents a large diversification option for the Southern Alberta agricultural sector but offers long term employment and growth opportunities for this and numerous other industries.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Municipal Affairs, Municipal, Provincial

The current process to discover, investigate, remediate, and redevelop brownfields is onerous, costly, and frustrating for local governments and does not encourage and incentivize the private sector to redevelop brownfields. While Alberta's Municipal Government Act enables local governments to cancel, defer, or reduce the municipal taxes on brownfields through a property tax bylaw, the provincial portion of education taxes remains on the property. In addition, legislation and regulations for remediation and reclamation.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Energy & Environment - Provincial Policy

Health Canada has guidelines for domestic reclaimed water use in toilet and urinal flushing but Alberta does not follow these guidelines as our province does not use reclaimed (grey) water.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Workforce Development - Provincial Policy

The MicroSociety program is underutilized, yet an incredibly effective learning tool that helps students develop invaluable skills resulting in higher student engagement and grades.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Trade & Transportation - Provincial & Federal Policy

Alberta is one of Canada’s most robust provincial economies with the highest GDP per capita and an economy driven by its ability to export products and services. As a result, transportation and logistics plays a critical role in our economy, as it supports a variety of industries across the province. Yet, with one of the best transportation systems in Canada, we still have only one full-service commercial port of entry between Alberta and the U.S. There is a need for better access and hours at our border to facilitate e

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Agriculture - Provincial Policy

The agriculture industry significantly contributes to Alberta’s economy and enhancing the strength of the sector is an important priority. It is particularly important for Alberta’s agri-food industry to market their products in a way that reflects the link between ‘Grown-in-Canada’ product and a supply chain, environment, standard, and identity that is uniquely and 100% Canadian.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Agriculture - Provincial Policy

With greater attention around food sustainability and the environmental foot print of agriculture, there is a need to raise awareness and provide fact-based education focused on where our food comes from, recognizing the sustainability of agribusiness and its vitally important role in our economy as a natural resource.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Workforce Development - Provincial Policy

Alberta has the highest minimum wage rate in Canada at $15.00 per hour. While minimum wage increases are one of the ways to combat poverty, a robust solution should be applied, taking into consideration living wage variances across the province and rates of taxation on low income earners.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Agriculture - Provincial + Federal Policy

Current risk management programs are not meeting the changing needs and requirements within agriculture. Furthermore, the lack of education and awareness around risk management strategies is limiting the growth and success of agriculture producers.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Workforce Development - Provincial Policy

There is a need for integrated, effective, and efficient mental wellness support in the workplace for Alberta businesses. Mental health issues and concerns continue to cost businesses and the economy in both financial and human terms. Traditional solutions are not addressing the increasing need, and new and innovative approaches are needed to assist in dealing with the acceleration of mental health issues.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Transportation - Provincial Policy

Global commerce is increasingly reliant upon the ability for goods to reach local, regional and international markets. As such, it is imperative to consider the crucial role that transportation networks play in economic development. Current infrastructure in and around Southern Alberta requires serious upgrades and advancements to maintain and leverage a competitive edge in advancing business success in Southern Alberta.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Energy & Environment - Provincial Policy

In order for Alberta to compete on the global stage, we need to address issues such as regulatory uncertainty and cost competitiveness so that industry has the tools it needs to maintain a competitive advantage and so that the province and regions can attract new investment opportunities.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Finance & Taxation - Provincial Policy

The Government of Alberta regulates the Alberta Registry Agents’ (ARAs) Regulation by capping the fee amounts for most of the services they provide. In addition, Registry Agents are eager to develop a modernization plan to enhance services, including online registry services to Albertans in conjunction with Service Alberta and other stakeholders. The Government of Alberta should support these modernization efforts and review regulations to ensure Alberta Registry Agents can continue their vital work effectively.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Finance & Taxation - Provincial Policy

Since corporate income tax represents a very large percentage of pre-tax income, decisionmakers are highly sensitive to corporate income tax rates. It is in Alberta’s best interests to reduce and keep corporate income taxes low to attract business to Alberta and retain them in our province.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Energy & Environment - Provincial Policy

Literature has long suggested that Alberta has the natural assets and technical feasibility to support further renewable energy development. That being said, Alberta’s renewable energy generation is low compared to the other provinces. Despite the importance and potential of renewable energy as part of a low carbon future, Alberta generated 11% of its electricity in 2017 from renewable sources, which is significantly less than the national rate of 66% renewable generation.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Finance & Taxation - Provincial + Federal Policy

There is a relationship between the size of government and economic growth. While government spending is needed, there are studies that have shown that when government grows beyond a certain size it can hinder economic growth and lead to lower living standards for citizens.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce

Energy & Environment - Provincial Policy

Government needs to strike a balance between achieving its emission reduction goals and preserving the competitiveness of the economy using pragmatic, flexible and innovative solutions.

Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce
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