Precision Rentals, a division of Precision Limited Partnership
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Precision Rentals, a division of Precision Limited Partnership
Oil & Gas
Oilfield equipment rentals
Precision Rentals is a leading provider of specialty oilfield rental equipment including solids control, power generation, horizontal tanks, drilling surface rental equipment, drilling fluid storage solutions, frac fluid storage solutions, accommodations, and waste treatment. Precision's skilled solids control consultants can optimize drilling fluid, and our technicians are able to reduce onsite workload with scheduled maintenance and automated equipment monitoring solutions. Precision Rentals' fleet is strategically positioned throughout Western Canada and in the Northern U.S.
Precision's highly-trained people deliver High Performance, safe and efficient solutions to any work site in Canada or the U.S., supporting customers' operations. Precision Rentals is a trusted industry partner, delivering the tools you need to support your drilling, completions, production and plant maintenance projects for over 20 years.
Membership Type
Membership Investments