Positive Intelligence (PQ): Building Mental Fitness for HR Leaders hosted by CPHR Alberta and Resolute Leadership & Consulting

Tuesday, May 10, 2022 (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (MDT)


Your mind is constantly sabotaging your potential for both performance and happiness. All your negative emotions, including stress, are the result of self-sabotage. 

Positive Intelligence breakthrough research-based training and tools strengthen the part of your brain that serves you and quiets the part that sabotages you. You handle life’s challenges with a more positive mindset, and less stress. We call this PQ Mental Fitness. 

Whether you are an executive leading an organization, an HR leader of a department or a human leading your own life, you will benefit from more control over how you react to life’s situations. What is included for the Positive Intelligence PQ for Leaders? 

Half day introductory training on Positive Intelligence 

-build a foundation of mental fitness by strengthening three critical mental muscles 

- Access to the PQ Mental Fitness app platform - enable continued growth through ongoing modules for personal and professional applications 

- Pre-Training Assessments and Reports 

-prior to our half day of learning attendees receive PQ assessments and a report to customize the half day of training - Individualized PQ Mental Fitness Coaching throughout the program 

-three 30-minute coaching sessions to deepen your learning from the assessments, half day of training and app activities 

 *CPHR rate $299 + GST for Members and $350 + GST for Non-Members & the Market Value for Positive Intelligence PQ for Leaders $1,989 

For a full description of the session: https://www.cphrab.ca/filebrowser/download/2189 

To Register: https://www.cphrab.ca/professional-development/positive-intelligence-pq-building-mental-fitness-hr-leaders 

This event may qualify for the Canada-Alberta Job Grant when combined with other trainings in the application - visit their website for details on how to apply.

Virtual - ZOOM
Event Contact
Nicole Bourgeois
(403) 547-8700
Send Email
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (MDT)
Tuesday May 10, 2022 8:00AM - 12:00PM MT
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