Member-Only Perks
Member-Only Perks
As a Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce member, you’re part of a community that looks out for one another. Our Member-Only Perks program is a testament to this spirit of collaboration. These exclusive deals and discounts are offered by fellow Chamber members to help you save while supporting other local businesses. It’s our way of adding extra value to your membership and fostering a stronger, more connected business community in Southeast Alberta.
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Member Exclusive Deal: 5% - 10% off
Receive 5% off home insurance & 10% off auto insurance
Allstate InsuranceMember Exclusive Deal: 10% off office or retail spaces
10% off office or retail spaces for 3-5 year leases
Arcade Plaza & Hammond Building (1986790 Alberta Ltd)Member Exclusive Deal: 10% off lawn cutting
10% off lawn cutting services
B & L Lawn & Home Maintenance Ltd.Member Exclusive Deal: Save the GST
Save the GST on any regular priced items/ excluding motorcycles
Badlands Harley-DavidsonMember Exclusive Deal: 10% off
10% discount on Professional Development Workshops & Customized Training
Being Human Services Inc.Member Exclusive Deal: 10% off
10% off all products, does not include strollers, car seats, sale items and mamaroo
2566164 Alberta LTD- BumblebooMember Exclusive Deal: 15% Discount on their fee for the PAL or RPAL courses
15% discount for Chamber members on their fee for the PAL or RPAL courses
Canadian Combat Arts AssociationMember Exclusive Deal: 10% off
10% off all services (not to be combined with any other offer)
Cheerleader's Barber Lounge Inc.Member Exclusive Deal: Save up to 30% off
Save up to 30% off on home & auto insurance for business owners, up to 25% off for all employees
Cypress Insurance Services Ltd.SE Alberta Chamber Discounted Hotel Rates
To reserve a room, call the hotel directly from the numbers listed or email and quote: Medicine Hat District Chamber of Commerce Members
d3h HotelsMember Exclusive Deal: 15% off
15% off on commercial phase / environmental site assessment
Evolve Surface Strategies IncJoin as a Chamber Member and enjoy your first month free!
Unlock exclusive benefits! Join as a Chamber Member and enjoy your first month free – experience full security, at an actually affordable cost today!
Friendly NeighborhoodMember Exclusive Deal: CO2 Sodastream & Drinkmate Cylinder Exchange
CO2, CO2 Exchange, Refill, Sodatstream, Drinkmate
Icy Mountain Water Co. LtdMember Exclusive Deal: Discounts on invoices/ deliveries
Sign up for a business account & you will receive $20 off your 1st invoice AND in town deliveries only $6, out of town (Redcliff, Desert Blume, etc.) $8
Leave it to Lucy Deliveries Ltd.Member Exclusive Deal: 15% off season tickets or 24 game bleacher packs!
15% off season tickets or 24 game bleacher packs!
Medicine Hat Mavericks Baseball ClubMember Exclusive Deals: 25% off selected advertising
Check out these member exclusive deals
Medicine Hat NewsMember Exclusive Deal: 25% off Ultimint Membership!
Car Wash membership 25% discount
Tyler ManningMember Exclusive Deal: 15% off
15% off for Chamber Members and their employees
New Light Laser & AestheticsMember Exclusive Deal: 5-10% off
5-10% discount to Local Chamber members on all Exterior related projects that are requested. Pending on project size we can adapt the discount to accommodate
No Limit ExteriorsMember Exclusive Deal: 10% off
10% off goods and services
2190582 Alberta Ltd. O/A OK Tire (Medicine Hat)Member Exclusive Deal: 50% off loft rental
50% off loft rental for events such as meetings, dinners, celebrations, etc
Paradise Valley Golf CourseMember Exclusive Deal: 15% Discount on Window Tinting
window tint, window film, security film, solar film, privacy film, and glare film
Pinnacle Window Films20% off an office lease
Receive up to 20% off an office lease. No term required
Regus Medicine Hat- (640 Holdings Ltd)Member Exclusive Deal: 10% Discount
Brooks Location only: 10% Discount
Ricky's All Day Grill - BrooksMember Exclusive Deal: Indoor billboard advertising discounts
Purchases rental space for 2 months will get the 3rd month free, or for any two ads we will give the 3rd ad free!
Sanatec EnvironmentalMember Exclusive Deal: Save on marketing
15% off any social media package & 10% off logo development
Sandfly Marketing Inc.Member Exclusive Deals: including 10% discount on seminars, workshops and programs
Check out these member exclusive deals!
Wesley PatersonDiscount on First Aid Kits
St. John Ambulance first aid kit discount code KITS10
St. John Ambulance - Council for AlbertaMember Exclusive Deal: save on a storage unit
10% off for all Chamber members!
Marlyn Assets Ltd. O/A Storzall Mini StorageMember Exclusive Deal: 3% over cost and 10% off parts & labour
Receive 3% over cost for any new vehicle and 10% off parts & labour
Straightline Kia Medicine HatMember Exclusive Deals: including 10% of skincare
Check out these member exclusive deals
The Hat's Olive Tap Ltd.Member Exclusive Deals: including $5.00 off
Check out these member exclusive deals!
Tommy Gun's Original Barbershop (TG Corporate Holdings Inc)Receive 25% off Motivational Speaking, Workshops & Team-Building Sessions
Receive 25% off Motivational Speaking, Workshops & Team-Building Sessions
Trevor Moore Inc.Member Exclusive Deal: get 20% off
Buy a lifetime membership for registered dog(s) & get 20% off
True North K9 CompoundMember Exclusive Deal: 15% and 10% off!
Get 15% off any social media package and 10% off logo design services
Unreal Media / Think Launch GrowMember Exclusive Deal: 15% Discount - Brooks
Chamber members come in and enjoy a 15% discount on regular priced items!
Work N' PlayMember Exclusive Deals: including 15% off memberships
Check out these member exclusive deals!
YMCA of Southeastern Alberta